40% PTFE plnený bronzom

40% PTFE plnený bronzom

40% Bronzový PTFE RodProdukt číslo: KXT B980

Model:KXT B980

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40% PTFE plnený bronzom

ŠTýl KXT B980

PTFEBronze Filled je najbežnejšie kovové plnivo a je Tmavo hnedá farba. Bronzová výplň má vynikajúce opoTrebovanie, odolnosť proTi Tečeniu a vyššie

THermal conducTiviTy ThaT glass fiber wiTh PTFE. Adding bronze in percenTages beTween 40 and 60% can increase wear. PTFE Bronze-filled has

zlá chemikálie resisTance in The presence of acids and alkali. PTFE Bronze-Filled is machined and used in bearings aT high speeds when shafTs

are noT hardened. IT is užitočné vapplicaTions wiTh higher mechanical loads and higher speeds rubbing conTacT poinTs where bronze-filled supplies

The sTrengTh and conducTiviTy To carry away excess and unwanTed heaT. Used in hydraulic sysTems, superb for linear bearing, slides, guide ways,

bearing rings, pisTon rings and wear pads., eTc



Reduces heaT in wear applicaTions (low fricTion)
Good THermal conducTiviTy
Low moisTure absorpTion

High Tensile sTrengTh
Easy machinabiliTy

Creap resisTance

ExcellenT wear



Lineárne ložiská

Hydraulické tesnenia
ExTrusion rings

PisTon Rings




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